3 Drama

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4 writers have been commissioned to write four light comedies/dramas as a result of the Sgen ti Syniad (2) project? 

3 will travel during March and April under the name of 3 Drama:-

Dishgled ‘da Del - Cai Llewelyn Evans 🎧

Wisgi - Carwyn Blayney 🥃

99'er - Ceri Ashe 🍦




3 writers + 3 plays = 5 actors (9 characters)!


We will welcome Siôn Emyr and Mali O'Donnell back to the Company; Mark Henry-Davies popped in for a weekend of Y&D work on the plays; and this is the first time Elena Carys-Thomas and Gareth John Bale will work with us. Gareth will also direct one of the plays.

The plays are the fruits of the labor of 'Sgen ti Syniad? a scheme that gives us a great opportunity to work with as many practitioners as possible and give a platform to old and new talents!


One of the show will be presented at the National Eisteddfod in Wrexham:

Oes rhywun wedi gweld y Pernod King? - Mari Emlyn 🍸

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